<VV> Apologies to VV
Charles Lee
Chaz at ProperProper.com
Mon Aug 16 01:43:17 EDT 2010
BTW, thanks for the 'straw man ' argument, reducing me to a target you can
I'm truly sorry you took my depiction of dishonest mechanics so personally,
and that I took so much time to defend myself, when it was obviously your
bad experiences that are your target.
Hopefully I will be better able to avoid being drawn in next time and
apologies to anyone who had to listen to all of this !
----- Original Message -----
From: "shortle" <shortle556 at earthlink.net>
To: "Charles Lee" <Chaz at ProperProper.com>; <virtualvairs at corvair.org>; "Tony
Underwood" <tony.underwood at cox.net>
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Toyota - some Corvair
> Charles, Ray Sedman builds engine management systems for Corvairs but I
> don't think they are "cheap" so you wouldn't be interested. For the cars I
> deal with OBDII came out in '96 but they did not come out with the ETM
> (electronic throttle module) until '99. It seems Charlie you have
> absolutely zero respect for the many automotive professionals that have
> devoted their lives to learning how to properly fix/diagnose very complex
> machines. You keep bringing up all the court cases you have instigated for
> feeling slighted. I want you to know there are many professionals out
> there who are very devoted to their chosen profession. It sounds like your
> poor, broke self is fairly pathetic. A guy that claims the flate rate
> manual is a mechanics best friend because he (you!) can beat 75% of the
> times working on the ground without tools should be in the business. He is
> a fool to not be. I wish I could "beat" the time guide 75% of the time but
> I must not be as good as you. And I have spent 3
> 0 years working professionally on cars, attending many seminars, investing
> plenty of bucks on tools and equipment. In the 20 years I have owned my
> auto repair shop I have never been sued nor had a complaint filed with the
> Better Business Bureau nor the BAR (bureau of automotive repair) while I
> had my business (15 years) in Glendora Calif. I know many drivers are
> dumb, but many people are just bitter opportunists. Like a service manager
> of a dealership posted here recently about the customers who claim their
> cars had dents after the car was brought in although these new dents
> actually had rust on them. All I can tell all these poor, broke, pathetic,
> opportunistic, sue happy folks is to get a life.
> Timothy Shortle in (beautiful) Durango Colorado
> Twice recertified ASE Master Automobile Technician
> Factory Trained Volvo Master Technician
> Formerly liscenced brake, headlamp, and smog mechanic with the
> (broke)state of California
> ----Original Message-----
>>From: Charles Lee <Chaz at ProperProper.com>
>>Sent: Aug 15, 2010 9:42 PM
>>To: virtualvairs at corvair.org, Tony Underwood <tony.underwood at cox.net>
>>Subject: Re: <VV> Toyota - some Corvair
>>That's a start - where was this Vair ?
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Tony Underwood" <tony.underwood at cox.net>
>>To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
>>Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 8:02 PM
>>Subject: Re: <VV> Toyota - some Corvair
>>> At 03:43 PM 8/15/2010, Charles Lee wrote:
>>>>All this talk about electronic ignition etc not being worth the
>>>>benefit (depending on who's talking) makes me wonder if it wouldn't be
>>>>interesting project to control a Corvair engine as precisely as modern
>>>>engines ?
>>> ...already seen a 'Vair with its engine fitted with electronic fuel
>>> injection and ignition, and cruise control.
>>> tony..
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