<VV> Differential leak and questions
Ewell Mills
Fri, 14 Jan 2005 17:37:18 -0500
On my 65 Monza Convertible 110 P/G I decided to do a lot of work to the rear
suspension prior to having a 4 wheel alignment done. This car drives
squirrelly, but a 67 I have drives great. I have redone both rear wheel
bearing, new shocks, new rear springs, and have in transient rebuilt strut
rods from Lon. I also have in transit one of the Otto gizmos that attaches
the struts to the differential. (My 67 has one, and I like it). After
removing the drive shafts I noticed that the differential was leaking on both
sides. I assumed that it was defective side bearing adjustment seals, so I
got some, along with new keepers, from Clark's. When I started to replace
them, I found that the seals were not leaking, but both sides were leaking at
the bottom of the side bearing adjusting sleeve, so I am guessing the 'O'
rings (side bearing adjusting sleeve seal ring) are defective. (Another order
to Clark's) The differential works fine and I really do not want to pull the
drive train to fix it if I can avoid it. Question is....If I mark the side
adjusting sleeves and remove them one at a time, can I put on new 'O' Rings
and reassemble them back to where they were without screwing something up. (I
do not know a whole lot about working on differentials). Since I do not have a
side bearing adjusting sleeve tool (J-8342), what would make a good substitute
to remove them, or they usually pretty frozen up? Helpful suggestions
appreciated, and thanks in advance.
Cecil Mills
Cocoa, Fl.