<VV> Tuned up and turned off!
Sat, 27 Mar 2004 07:51:55 -0800 (PST)
Defective condenser?
Didn't tighten down the points properly on install or something happened to the points
wiper in the first few seconds such that the contacts are now closed all the time?
Wires intact and not come loose?
Check all the new parts that something didn't come loose as in defective.
For it to start ok and then go bad that fast, I'd look for something major like the
Mark Noakes
On Sat, 27 Mar 2004 08:32:39 -0600, slmizel@juno.com wrote:
> Hi all! Took many of your recent suggestions and used the Bosch Super
> plugs and decided to get my hands greasy with an easy first job: a simple
> tune up (65 corsa 140 4 spd all stock)...the car has been running
> fine...starts immediately every time...till I did my tune up. I chased
> the threads, replaced the wires, plugs, roter and cap (all from
> Clarks)...with air cleaner still off, started the car (didn't mess with
> points, timing or carburation yet)...I think I am going to switch over to
> the Petronix II after I get everything else tuned (would appreciate any
> feedback you have there as well), so I just wanted to see if I could get
> it running a little more smoothly...I jumped in and with a smile of
> accomplishment turned the key...the car started! Sounded good...for
> about 1 or 2 seconds...it idled fine, but then the rpms started
> fluctuating between 500 and 1500 and it died...now when I turn the key it
> won't catch at all...I will have to troubleshoot, but would appreciate
> any help if someone has a useful suggestion where to start? (I know it
> could be one of a hundred things, but thought I would seek wisdom from
> this incredible group before I start taking things apart one at a
> time...)
> Thanks!
> Steve Mizel
> St. Louis, MO
> 65 conv. Corsa 140 4 sp (it looks fast even on blocks...)
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