BobHelt at aol.com BobHelt at aol.com
Tue Oct 9 23:58:11 EDT 2007

I’ve got good news to tell today. I want to just blurt it out, but really  I 
need to do this in the proper sequence. So here goes.  
Way back when the Corvair was in production and Chevrolet  was actively 
marketing our cars, they had only a limited venue for communicating  and 
advertising  what the Corvair  was and what it looked like. About the only two avenues 
available to advertise  the Corvairs were television and magazine ads. And 
television was not only  expensive but at that time not as fully developed as it 
is today. In addition,  there were many popular magazines of that day that now 
no longer exist, or  are  shadows of their former selves.  Some of these were 
Life, Saturday Evening Post, Sunset, Look, and ladies Home  Journal. So it was 
in these magazines that Chevrolet choose to advertise and  picture the 
Corvair automobiles being offered by them. This was the primary  marketing thrust by 
During this period, and immediately after, a collection of  these Corvair 
advertisements was started and a copy of almost every ad was  obtained. The 
objective at that time was to later photocopy each ad and make a  “book of ads” 
which could be then sold as a memorabilia item. But unfortunately  things just 
didn’t work out to allow this to happen. Chevrolet was not  especially 
cooperative and color reproductions were just too expensive for such  a book. So this 
project went into Limbo and was dormant until now. 
But the Good News today is that we will have a CD available  soon, with a 
printable color display of each and every magazine ad Chevrolet  produced for the 
Corvair (maybe a few might be missing). There are around 100  different ads 
to be included. Harry Iliaria of Hi-Tech Software, Hardyston, NJ,  will be 
producing this CD for us. He has agreed to undertake this project for  our 
benefit, so when this CD becomes available in a few months, please be sure  to buy 
one. You will surely want to see all these ads and the great photos in  them to 
live (or relive) those glorious days. We will keep you posted on its  
Bob Helt

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