BSCC- Funny Corvair Story

rick macdonald rick4130 at
Wed Aug 13 08:18:24 EDT 2008

This was posted on and I had to share it..
"Lately I have been parking my 69 in the drive to the barn- the original reason was to keep it out of the driveway where the kids ride their bikes ( are they going back to school soon?). 
An unexpected benefit is,if I put her in the right spot,I can look at her out the window of my office. 

So whenever I need a fix , I just peek out the window. 

The other day , I noticed my eight year old son and one of his buddies circling the Corvair. My spider sense was tingling. 

Then my son opened the drivers door. I was on the phone, and debated putting the person on hold and going out to stop whatever was going on. 

At this point my son and his friend were engaged in some intense evaluation of something, not moving much, and heads down together. 

By the time I decided I better go see what was up, they had closed the door and went on their merry way. 

This sort of ate at me the rest of the afternoon, so when I saw my son at dinner , I brought up the incident, and asked him what they were doing in the Corvair. 

My son replied, " I was showing Kyle the windows". 

"The windows, whatever does that mean ?"I asked. 

"Kyle didn't believe me that the windows didn't have a button, and you had to turn the crank thingie to make them go up and down. So I showed 'em. " 

After a pause for a bite of chicken, he added " He believes me now". 

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