BSCC- Volksvair award list

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Wed Aug 23 09:08:01 EDT 2006

I need some help!

I don't have the complete listing of placements for
the VolksVair Show. Here is what I DO have:
2006 Volksvair Show Results

Late Closed
1st Bob & Elaine Sedani (+ Best of Show)
2nd Wes Jewett
3rd _______________

Late Open
1st Ron Tinkham
2nd John Teixeira 
3rd Jim Kenyon

Early Closed (one entry)
1st Jan Abbott

Early Open
1st Ron Moller
2nd Chuck & Sharon Leonard
3rd ______________

1st _____________ 
2nd Gerri-Lyn Boyden
3rd Tom Fiske

Forward Control
1st Ed Morse
2nd ______________

1st Steve Boyden

Can anyone fill in the blanks or correct any mistakes?

Thanks a bunch.

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