<VV> There is always that one Corvair

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Sun Feb 16 00:11:31 EST 2025

Rusty cans is what took out my supply of good carburetor cleaner. I had 
three cans, two rusted out and the third is the oldest one which was 
used for removing grease off parts when it got less effective as carb 
cleaner. I guess being less effective made it less steel eating, but,  
now duct taped together while I ignore it. Rust forms around the 
interface layer (where the top water sits on top of the cleaner) first.

We use Simple Green at work, at home I use whatever is laying around, 
such as dish washing liquid, floor cleaner, Spic And Span... Most seem 
to work. I do the plastic bag method for small parts. Saves chasing 
small brass parts in the bottom....  Since I rarely change the liquid. 
This allows me to mix a small new cleaner batch for parts instead of 
changing the 2.5 gallon tank's liquid. Conversely it allows me to clean 
greasy parts in a plastic bag with solution instead of dirtying the 
tank's liquid.

Just cleaned the 8N tractor's carburetor today in preparation for the 6 
to 8" of snow predicted this week.....😮

It took hours for the 35 degree tank to get up to temperature (~135F)!

Frank DuVal

On 2/15/2025 4:38 PM, tony underwood via VirtualVairs wrote:
> On 2/15/2025 1:04 PM, Frank DuVal via VirtualVairs wrote:
>> Or new aluminum plugs can be bought at various suppliers, like 
>> quadrajetparts.com. or lead BBs/shot.
>> But, Allen head setscrews can be removed again for the next cleaning 
>> easier!
>> The ultrasonic cleaners work well. Simple Green is a common cleaner 
>> for this, but others work too.
>> The good old harsh 5 gallon bucket of  carb cleaner/parts dip has 
>> gone away.
>> Frank DuVal
> Some of that bulk carb cleaner is still being sold here and there, in 
> plastic jugs not unlike battery electrolyte, need to watch the stuff 
> because it's somewhat acidic (removes "white rust" oxidation) and it 
> can eat right through the bottom of a typical parts dip can if it's 
> not coated with something to resist acids. Been there done that, a 
> week or so after leaving the soup in the parts cleaner can it found 
> its way all over the floor of the shop through the holes it ate in the 
> can.   I actually thought they had stopped making acidic carb cleaner...
> tony..

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