<VV> There is always that one Corvair

tony underwood tonyunderwood50 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 16:38:34 EST 2025

On 2/15/2025 1:04 PM, Frank DuVal via VirtualVairs wrote:
> Or new aluminum plugs can be bought at various suppliers, like 
> quadrajetparts.com. or lead BBs/shot.
> But, Allen head setscrews can be removed again for the next cleaning 
> easier!
> The ultrasonic cleaners work well. Simple Green is a common cleaner 
> for this, but others work too.
> The good old harsh 5 gallon bucket of  carb cleaner/parts dip has gone 
> away.
> Frank DuVal

Some of that bulk carb cleaner is still being sold here and there, in 
plastic jugs not unlike battery electrolyte, need to watch the stuff 
because it's somewhat acidic (removes "white rust" oxidation) and it can 
eat right through the bottom of a typical parts dip can if it's not 
coated with something to resist acids. Been there done that, a week or 
so after leaving the soup in the parts cleaner can it found its way all 
over the floor of the shop through the holes it ate in the can.   I 
actually thought they had stopped making acidic carb cleaner...


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