<VV> : My dropped valve seat

Steve Gangi sgang54 at aol.com
Wed Nov 6 12:20:05 EST 2024

Does any of you experienced fellows have a method to separate a cylinder that is stuck in a head without damaging either? Would the oven method help?
Steve GangiBranford, CT


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2024 13:47:11 -0500
From: tony underwood <tonyunderwood50 at gmail.com>
To: N2VZD TIM <n2vzd at aol.com>, "virtualvairs at corvair.org"
    <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Subject: Re: <VV> My dropped valve seat
Message-ID: <43c45132-a663-4b6a-8b7b-c085ece18c90 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

On 11/4/2024 10:10 PM, N2VZD TIM wrote:
> I used to them often. but no more. I have a discarded built in kitchen 
> (free from appliance store junk pile) oven that plugs into my welder 
> 220 outlet used for doing those. @400 for 15 20 mins push them out 
> with ease no galling . Did seats the same way.? ?This also dries up 
> oily crud so it cleans off easy.

This isn't a bad idea.?? Since I've been cleaning up my shop, I can 
likely spare some room for an old oven like that.? And my compressor is 
220 volt so I have an outlet. ? Sounds like a plan for crud cleanup as 
much as anything else.?? Now I guess I'm gonna be on the lookout for an 
old oven.




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