<VV> Clay Wispell

Vairtec Corp vairtec at comcast.net
Mon Jul 7 09:53:40 EDT 2014

Clay Wispell was one of those persons I saw only once a year, at CORSA 
conventions, and he was one of those whom I looked forward to seeing 
each year.  It was persons like him who made attending the conventions 
an enjoyable experience beyond the shared interest in Corvairs.

I too served on the CORSA Board with Clay, and he played a very 
important role in keeping CORSA running and organized and solvent in 
those years.  If ever he might have a point of disagreement over policy 
or procedure or protocol, he handled those disagreements with tact, 
grace, and good humor.

Clay Wispell was a person who influenced my life, and was someone I will 
long remember.

--Bob Marlow

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