<VV> Clay Wispell

Sethracer at aol.com Sethracer at aol.com
Sun Jul 6 23:51:23 EDT 2014

I will miss Clay, and his sense of humor. Clay and I served on the Corsa  
Board together for several years. He was always a voice of reason on the 
Board,  through some complex times. Clay and Larry Claypool did the grunt work 
of  putting together the first Corsa Tech Guide. This was before computer 
set-up  became common and everything was pasted up for the original 
publication. He had  worked in Aerospace, as had I, so we always had a tidbit or two of 
 information to exchange at the Conventions each year. I watched he and 
Carolyn's  offspring grow up each year, as he did mine, I'm sure. Again, I will 
miss him.  God speed, Clay.
-Seth Emerson
In a message dated 7/6/2014 6:15:07 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
virtualvairs at corvair.org writes:

For the  newbies,
If memory serves, Clay Wispell was tech Editor before Larry  Claypool was. 
Craig Nicol still Tech Editor?

And if anyone wants  to know who the hell Bob Helt is, let me know.


from  Zoominfo;

Clay Wispell is one of six current NTCA members whose  membership dates to 
1975-76. A two-time NTCA president,Clay has held every  NTCA board 
most multiple times.Mrs. Wispell, Carolyn, has been  equally active, and 
continue to be mainstays of participation in club  events.
At the national level, Clay served two terms on the CORSA board of  
directors, and also served as treasurer for five years. He has been  
as a technical editor in all three editions of the CORSA  Technical Guide, 
and wrote the rules for the Cole Award competition, the  equivalent of the 
Corvair national championship.
Clay says his first  new car was a '65 Corvair, ordered in late 1964. He 
currently drives a '63  Greenbrier, reminiscent of his first Greenbrier, 
a  '63.

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