<VV> 4wd Rampside

Kerwin Nailor kerwinnailor at verizon.net
Sun Nov 20 23:47:05 EST 2011

I had that as a project started about 10 years ago. Had a 4wd VW Vanagon 
Syncro with a blown engine. Had a Rampside with the total running gear 
stripped out. Had the reverse rotation engine, Kennedy adapter, everything. 
All ready to start cutting and pasting suspension subframes from the 
Vanagon. Ran out of money, interest, and ability. Sold Vanagon pieces all 
over the US. Sold Rampside to club member here who has it on the road. This 
weekend I found my notebook with all the plans and ideas. Still a good idea. 
None around that I have heard of. Someone should take up the cause.

Kerwin Nailor
kerwinnailor at verizon.net 

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