<VV> Cast Iron Rings Break-In

J R Read hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 19 01:36:58 EDT 2011

How long did you run it and how warm did it get?  You might be seeing 
nothing more than the "burn off" of oil on parts.

Break in - to me...

The first 10 minutes or so, you will see some smoke.  After 20 minutes or so 
it should be gone for sure.  You are varying the RPMS during that initial 
time, right?

Somewhere in the half hour to hour range is time for the first oil and 
filter change.  Pay attention to what you find in the drain pan - including 
what comes out of the filter.

Next step is 2 hours and the same routine.

Next step is 300 to 500 miles and the same routine.

Then 1,000 and do it once more.  By this point there is about 1500 miles on 
the engine plus the initial "run in" time.

If no obvious problems are found during all this, you should be good to go 
and the rings should be seated Just Fine.  Well Molly rings might take a few 
more miles but that should not affect you.

Oh, you DID make sure that the ring gaps were NOT lined up with one another 
upon install, right?

I would not give it to the body shop until you are satisfied there are no 
engine issues.  They are going to start it, move it in - out of the shop - 
to a different area in the shop.... and all that (brief) time on full choke 
which will wash the cylinder walls in gasoline.

Later, JR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Byron Comp" <byron.comp at yahoo.com>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Cast Iron Rings Break-In

Item One:
I've had my 110 running a couple times now, but still up on jack stands. 
That should change tomorrow, if all goes well in finalizing the repair to 
the leaking sender unit. Bear in mind that along with the valve job and 
other "inside work" being done, there are also new valve covers, exhaust 
"logs", and all new exhaust system on this engine. Noting that, it is 
smoking very badly right now, especially on the pass. side; thus only 
running it for very brief periods in the narrow shop. When and for what 
should I be concerned when I'm able to get it out and actually drive it.

Item Two:
The rebuild included CI rings, same as were taken off. I'm not going to 
begin driving this car on a routine basis or for any longish trips anytime 
soon - it goes back to the body shop for the finish paint job next - so what 
do you suggest I do as for break-in routine? The body shop is about 30 miles 
from my work shop and I'll be driving it there for about the first "cruise", 
but w/o a windshield. It may be as much as a month before I get it back and 
be able to drive it again. Does any of this sound like a problem for 

Byron Comp
'64 Monza Vert
Gainesville, FL

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