<VV> Conventions

Cliff Tibbitts tibbitts at qx.net
Thu Jul 7 14:22:06 EDT 2011

"Yes, Ronnie, that is what the Convention is about for the spectators ...
But, the Convention does not 'just happen.'  There is great of effort made
behind the scenes by the hosting club[s].  The Buffalo Group did an
excellent job ... but, there was nothing easy nor enjoyable about it for
them while making it happen."

Ken P

Thank you Ken for pointing this out.  So many times it is forgotten.  Our
club hosted the convention in 2004, and while I wasn't a member at the time,
I was there, and have seen the aftermath.  Hosting a convention takes a
terrible toll on the local clubs.  I know ours did.  

Life is fraught with problems and if where to park the trailer, or why isn't
my AC working better are the biggest issues one faces, then life must be
pretty good.  My hat is off to any club or group of clubs willing to host a
convention.  At the rate we are going, no one will want to host them before
long.  I only wish I could be at Denver, but alas it is just too far away
right now.  (not that Denver is likely to get any closer in the years to
come) just that the money isn't there right now for the long trip. 

Just a big THANKS to anyone willing to host a convention and to take on the
inevitable complaints.  YOU ROCK!!

Cliff Tibbitts
Central KY Corvair 
Lexington, KY

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