<VV> Cam Wear

Smitty vairologist at cox.net
Sun Feb 27 23:19:05 EST 2011

Smitty Says:  One thing you can always count on ,on VV, and that is a 
subject will be nit picked to death.  That would not be a bad thing if it 
were "picked" until an absolutely correct resolution of the subject were 
arrived at.  But no, there are too many partly correct opinions expressed 
and some wrong opinions are very logically presented.  This leads Mr Newby 
to say, By Golly that guy really sounds like he has his fecies in a sack.  I 
think I'll believe him.
Yall can go on and discuss that maybe all new parts make a cam at risk.  Or 
maybe its the new lifters.  Or, maybe if I be cheap I can get by without 
buying ZDDP protection in my oil.  Or maybe this Synthetic oil is so 
slickery I don't need any ZDDP.  You can go ahead and use your home grown 
logic and your self imposed engineering degree if you want.
I am gettin close to finishing an engine assembly.  New cam and new lifters. 
When I crank it up it will have oil designed for old engines by the fact 
that it has a higher ZDDP number,  It also will have a big bottle of Lucas 
"off road" ZDDP additive in it.  When it starts I will take it up to a very 
high idle speed for a few minutes.After my investment in time and money I do 
not care to be looking at a cam with lobes ground off because I hedged my 
Being cheap is for your girlfriend.  She MAY forgive you.  Your engine never 

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