<VV> Newfangled 'ring compressor' will be used again soon ...
Charles Lee
Chaz at ProperProper.com
Mon Nov 22 00:36:50 EST 2010
I like inventing new things, and I'll probably do this again quite soon,
since this is a quick 'n dirty fix to get the car running and see if it's
worth the complete overhaul for which this 'practice' is a dry run (OK, the
quick part didn't happen but it was supposed to be)
So, I plan to do this again soon, when I have the funds to do it right, and
IF it is deemed worthy of that expense of money and time.
I may also do it again on another car better than my 110 PG coupe. If this
were a 140, OR a 4-speed, OR a convertible, I'd be a little more into it, I
suppose ...
So, since I am doing just one side and only two of those cylinders, I want
to get done with what started out as a tune-up to fix a slight 'miss' back
in May or June. (I can hear the flack about not doing the rest now, coming
down the pipe already !)
Right now I'm in a new frontier and have never done this before, so I do not
mind 'practicing' and experimenting with new ideas is something I've always
done (and got the crap beaten out of me for not doing it my father's way
back when, so now that he's looking up at the grass, I can RIP and do it my
way without listening to him !)
Thanks for all the advice, it won't go unnoticed, I want to get some new
ideas out of it while I'm at it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron" <ronh at owt.com>
To: "J R Read" <hmlinc at sbcglobal.net>; "VirtualVairs AA"
<VirtualVairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 9:00 PM
Subject: Re: <VV> Newfangled 'ring compressor' updated
> Right! How often do you ever R and R a piston and cylinder? Maybe three
> times in it's lifetime and then the chamfer would have to be done over
> whenever it's bored larger. More likely the piston will never be removed
> except when it's bored. Let that idea die fast!
> RonH
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "J R Read" <hmlinc at sbcglobal.net>
> To: "VirtualVairs AA" <VirtualVairs at corvair.org>
> Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 1:55 PM
> Subject: <VV> Newfangled 'ring compressor' updated
>>I don't know Chuck...
>> Seems to me you'd have to be careful not to remove any of the sealing
>> surface at the bottom end of the barrel and that you could have inserted
>> a
>> dozen or more piston and ring assemblies using a ring compressor in the
>> time
>> it would take to prepare just one barrel end.
>> Later, JR
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Charles Lee" <Chaz at ProperProper.com>
>> To: "Ron" <ronh at owt.com>; "Dave Ziegler" <dziegler3 at comcast.net>
>> Cc: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>; "Frank DuVal" <corvairduval at cox.net>
>> Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 3:24 PM
>> Subject: <VV> Newfangled 'ring compressor' alternative revised / updated
>>> Some clarification added, since I still think this is the way to go ...
>>> ?
>>> Re-Bevel the crankcase-side inside end of the barrel to gradually slip
>>> rings
>>> into the barrel when inserting pistons ?
>>> (Eliminates need for ring compressor altogether ?)
>>> www.yourbuyersinn.com/Cars/Corvair/CorvairTools.htm
>>> Charlie
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