Dave Newell
chevrobilia at juno.com
Sat Apr 17 08:02:20 EDT 2010
(Adding CPF Staff)
You beat me to the punch, Jamie. I couldn't agree more. With Rod's plan, we have a chance to annually capitalize on last year's October 2nd 50th Anniversary date. There's no better way to promote a cause than by having a specific date to focus on, and there's no Corvair date that's more historic than October 2nd. Here we are, less than 6 months away from the Corvair's 51st Anniversary on October 2nd, so now's the time to embrace Rod's box-busting plan!
Dave Newell
CPF Historian
---------- Original Message ----------
From: "The Reinharts" <jtreinhart at omnitelcom.com>
To: "rod murray" <rmurray8996 at gmail.com>, <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Cc: "CORSA BOD" <corsabod at corvair.org>, "Sharon Tanihara" <healeygal at att.net>, "Adam Larson" <larsonx at roadrunner.com>, "Dave Oehlman" <OEHLMAN_DAVID at YAHOO.COM>, "Mike Fiscus" <Corvairmike at hotmail.com>, "Roger Becker" <rabjab at cox.net>, "Dave Thompson" <Dave.thompson at verizon.net>, "Jackson Weaver" <jackson.weaver at oneaccordpartners.com>, "Bill Stephens" <billjeanlafd at verizon.net>, "Dave Newell" <chevrobilia at juno.com>, "Kent Sullivan" <kentsu at corvairkid.com>, "Mike Ramos" <mramosjr at verizon.net>, "Bill Chellis" <chelvis at camano.net>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 06:42:55 -0500
All, This is the type of out of the box thinking that could have a positive
effect for CORSA and Corvairs. It is a great promotional event and could
help CORSA with it's finances. Remember how much fun, and the buzz last
years birthday parties created? This could create the same enjoyment and
solidarity every year while promoting CORSA and the Corvair. I applaud Rod
and Vintage CORSA for presenting and heading up this project. I encourage
everyone to plan on participating in the event.
Jamie Reinhart
CORSA Central Director
----- Original Message -----
From: "rod murray" <rmurray8996 at gmail.com>
To: "CORVAIR" <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Cc: "CORSA BOD" <corsabod at corvair.org>; "Sharon Tanihara"
<healeygal at att.net>; "Adam Larson" <larsonx at roadrunner.com>; "Dave Oehlman"
<OEHLMAN_DAVID at YAHOO.COM>; "Mike Fiscus" <Corvairmike at hotmail.com>; "Roger
Becker" <rabjab at cox.net>; "Dave Thompson" <Dave.thompson at verizon.net>;
"Jackson Weaver" <jackson.weaver at oneaccordpartners.com>; "Bill Stephens"
<billjeanlafd at verizon.net>; "Dave Newell" <chevrobilia at juno.com>; "Kent
Sullivan" <kentsu at corvairkid.com>; "Mike Ramos" <mramosjr at verizon.net>;
"Bill Chellis" <chelvis at camano.net>
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 06:12 PM
> Group,
> Vintage Corsa is happy to invite you to join us for a new annual CORSA
> fundraising event we are launching - the 1st Annual CORVAIR HERITAGE DAY,
> that will coincide with the Corvair's official birthday each October 2nd.
> We are dubbing this event "A worldwide day of Corvair celebration
> organized
> at the local level", with the intent being to allow ALL Corvair
> enthusiasts,
> regardless of location or membership status, the opportunity to
> participate
> as one collective worldwide group in an annual day of global corvair
> promotion and fun.
> W/ respect to the current thread re: CORSA's future, and as I mentioned
> in
> a Communique' letter earlier this month, I believe that CORSA's future
> lies
> in creating value and fun while providing an open invitation for
> non-members
> to consider joining our club. CORVAIR HERITAGE DAY is an all-inclusive
> event open to ALL Corvair enthusiasts, with all event proceeds benefiting
> CORSA. Thus, the more people that participate, the more CORSA benefits.
> Do
> the math - with an estimated $10 margin per registration fee and an
> estimated 10,000 Corvair enthusiasts, the revenue potential for CORSA is
> impressive. In a nutshell, this event has the ability to provide a
> substantial, crisis-resolving new cash injection for CORSA w/o having to
> increase dues or reduce member benefits - and we'll have a great time in
> the
> process.
> For details, please visit our website at
> www.VintageCorsa.com<http://www.vintagecorsa.com/>,
> then click on the event link in upper right hand corner. You'll find
> event
> info, logo, flyer, and registration forms. There's also an email at page
> bottom (it comes to me) where you can submit your questions/comments.
> We hope you and/or your chapter will join us for what we hope will become
> an
> awesome annual worldwide Corvair event. And if you like this concept,
> PLEASE start spreading the word.
> Thx,
> Rod Murray
> VP, Vintage Corsa
> www.VintageCorsa.com
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