<VV> No Oil Press. Light....

Jeff Wilson jwilson at unctv.org
Fri Jun 5 18:05:43 EDT 2009

When I turn the key to 'on' I no longer get a Oil Pressure/ Temp lite before 
starting the motor. Seems like I used to.... 

I've checked the bulb, and it's good. 

I've checked the connector to the oil pressure switch- with the key 'on' I get 
NO voltage at the connector. Should I? 

I've tried grounding-out the connector, and still no light. 

The wire to the connector seems to disappear somewhere under the 
distributor, so I haven't traced it any further than that yet. 

I haven't been mucking-about up under the dash, so there's no reason 
anything should have come loose up in there.... 

Fan/Gen light lights up just fine. 

Anything obvious I'm missing here? 

This is a 65 with a 110 motor. 

PS: re the knocking/tapping sound I was experiencing a few weeks ago: 
Kudos to whomever suggested adding Rislone. Cleared the problem right up! 

CJ Wilson 

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