<VV> a little praise for Corsa here...

Louis Armer carmerjr at mindspring.com
Wed Feb 18 22:35:01 EST 2009

KUDOS TO YOU MARK, It's good to hear that a new member feels good 
about joining Corsa and is helping another Corvair owner.

Chuck Armer
At 08:30 PM 2/18/2009, you wrote:
>I've only been involved with Corvairs now for 2 years due to my purchase of
>one in need of some "tweaking" and my joining of the local club.  I would
>like to offer some thanks to the folks who operate Corsa and print the fine
>"Communiquet" that I enjoy very much.  Maybe some improvements can 
>be  made, but
>as for me, I couldn't put it together or print it myself, so I feel a  great
>job has been done  by all.  As for membership dropping off, I  think we all
>should go out of our way to get young folks interested in 
>our  cars.  I find that
>younger folks just seem to know little about them, or  have never even heard
>of a Corvair.  You know that they are the ones that  will be needed 
>to buy them
>after we have "gone on", or else what will ever  happen to them in the
>future?  Think about that.  I have read that  some folks don't like 
>working on
>Corvairs for others due to someone "  using" the good nature of some 
>club's members
>just to get their cars  fixed.  Well that does sound and look bad but...when
>Corvairs were newer  there were lots of folks that had to use mechanics
>elsewhere to get them fixed  too.  Now we still have plenty of them 
>to enjoy today
>due to someone  helping someone or fixing the cars years ago, so I don't mind
>helping quite  a bit, the one young guy I know, who is struggling 
>trying to get
>his first  Corvair  on the road (even tho' he lives 75 miles away).  There's
>no  pay in it for me, but i'm contributing to the "longer" life of 
>the car and
>  hobby.  Lets all give it that shot for the future.      Mark


CORSA Tri-membership Chairman
CORSA Member
Corvanatics Member
Corvair Atlanta Director
SECC Member
1965 Corsa Coupe
1964 Greenbrier
1965 Corsa Autocross car 1/2 owner

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