<VV> PG Transmission Question
Smitty Smith
vairologist at verizon.net
Mon Sep 29 18:44:43 EDT 2008
Hi all,
Have a PG question (probably one of several as we go along). My son in law
removed the drive train from my 65vert (95hp Pg). The PG has had a bad leak for
some time, we have isolated it to what we believe is the front pump seal. We
are attempting to remove the plate from the front of the pump housing. Have
removed all bolts from both the inner and outer bolt circles on the face of the
PG, but are unable to remove the front plate. From the drawings it looks like
the plate should just pull out of the lip but we are unable to budge it. Is
there some trick or something else that we have missed ?--------------------------------Smitty Says: Rex the inner circle of bolts are where you want to be pulling the plate but at the same time you don't want to pull the plate out more than 1/4 to 3/8 inch in order to prevent separating things you dont want to be separating inside. In absene of a slide hammer I have found that backing the inner circle of bolts off about 1/4 inch and removing all but two opposite outer bolts, then using two big screwdrivers you can pop the pump plate out. Using the backed off outer bolts as fulcrums and placing the bits of the screwdrivers under the heads of two nearby inner bolt heads you can lift the two plates together toward the bolt heads. They will not come too far though because the outer bolt heads will limit the plates. Confused ? Check a Communique article on the subject.
Thanks for any ideas or suggestions.
65 vert
61 Rampie
62 sedan * all PG
Message: 5
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 14:08:49 -0400
From: "corvairduval at cox.net" <corvairduval at cox.net>
Subject: Re: <VV> thermistor
To: hmlinc at sbcglobal.net, hyarnell1 at earthlink.net,
dave.thompson at verizon.net, virtualvairs at skiblack.com
Message-ID: <380-22008912918849924 at M2W021.mail2web.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
It has to be higher than that because the light does not come on when My
Spyder is cooking along at 500 degrees F on the interstate. Granted the
gage may not be correct..gggg
Frank DuVal
Original Message:
From: J R Read_HML hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 11:42:36 -0500
To: hyarnell1 at earthlink.net, dave.thompson at verizon.net,
virtualvairs at skiblack.com
Subject: Re: <VV> thermistor
That low?
Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Yarnell" <hyarnell1 at earthlink.net>
To: "Dave Thompson" <dave.thompson at verizon.net>;
<virtualvairs at skiblack.com>
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 5:59 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> thermistor
You're not going to get any results testing the right hand side snap switch
in boiling water. I think it triggers at 350?
Harry Yarnell
Perryman garage and orphanage
Perryman, MD
hyarnell1 at earthlink.net
mail2web - Check your email from the web at
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:12:36 -0600 (GMT-06:00)
From: shortle <shortle556 at earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: <VV> PG Transmission question
To: rchivers at tampabay.rr.com, virtualvairs at corvair.org
Cc: virtualvairs-request at corvair.org
<16056072.1222715556640.JavaMail.root at elwamui-sweet.atl.sa.earthlink.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Hi Rex,
I had to remove mine with a slide hammer, mounting the slide hammer adaptor
to the front pump (the center bolts on that cover). Be very careful as other
stuff can fall apart (internally). The least I would check before disassembly
would be the "end play" of the small shaft coming out the back of the
trans (torque converter area)and make sure end play is the same as before. I
also would clean the area around that front cover to make sure no crud gets in.
Finally, I would use petroleum jelly/vaseline to help seat the new seal.
You'll probably have to tap it back in with a rubber mallet.
I hope this helps.
Timothy Shortle in Durango Colorado
-----Original Message-----
>From: rchivers at tampabay.rr.com
>Sent: Sep 29, 2008 11:42 AM
>To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
>Cc: virtualvairs-request at corvair.org
>Subject: <VV> PG Transmission question
>Hi all,
> Have a PG question (probably one of several as we go along). My son in
law removed the drive train from my 65vert (95hp Pg). The PG has had a bad leak
for some time, we have isolated it to what we believe is the front pump seal.
We are attempting to remove the plate from the front of the pump housing. Have
removed all bolts from both the inner and outer bolt circles on the face of the
PG, but are unable to remove the front plate. From the drawings it looks like
the plate should just pull out of the lip but we are unable to budge it. Is
there some trick or something else that we have missed ?
>Thanks for any ideas or suggestions.
> -Rex-
> 65 vert
> 61 Rampie
> 62 sedan * all PG
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Message: 7
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 15:22:59 -0400
From: "airvair at earthlink.net" <airvair at earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: <VV> thermistor
To: "Dave Thompson" <dave.thompson at verizon.net>, "Lew
<lewrish at sbcglobal.net>, "Virtual Vairs"
<virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Message-ID: <380-220089129192259421 at earthlink.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
An interesting trivia item to everyone on this subject, though not
applicable to Dave's car. As far as I know, non-turbo Corsa's
didn't have a
buzzer installed, though the wires were there.
> [Original Message]
> Subject: Re: <VV> thermistor
> I must have not made myself clear earlier. The buzzer only is about
> I have a thermister on the left side that I had to replace when I got the
> car to get the temp gauge working. The over-temp "switch" sender
is on the
> right side. I tested the wires to the dash and they work correctly, just
> buzzer plugged in. The sender looks new but I guess that I'll have to
> it out and test it in boiling water to be sure. Several people wrote me
> said that the buzzer is a standard GM seatbelt buzzer. I'll check it
> the local FLAPS next week.
> Dave Thompson
> Westminster, CA
Message: 8
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 15:43:21 EDT
From: Sethracer at aol.com
Subject: <VV> Reasons for a buzzer.
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Message-ID: <d4b.3cf8fa45.361289d9 at aol.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
In a message dated 9/29/2008 12:23:18 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
airvair at earthlink.net writes:
An interesting trivia item to everyone on this subject, though not
applicable to Dave's car. As far as I know, non-turbo Corsa's
didn't have a
buzzer installed, though the wires were there.
I agree, Mark - Of all of the 140 Corsas I have owned, none came with a
buzzer. I installed it on a few of them. Here is an additional reason for the
buzzer - and for maintaining your "Idiot" lights. A friend bought a
nice, new
1974 BMW 2002 (back in 1974). He ordered it with an optional VDO gage package.
Three beautiful gages in the middle of the dash. The gage pack replaced the
idiot lights, at least for the oil pressure. His wife was driving it once and
an oil cooler line came off. She was not watching the gage, no warning
light, and cooked the inside of the motor. That is in street driving where you
should have plenty of time to watch the gages. Most racing Corvairs I see,
these-days, have a huge light (A trailer taillight works well) mounted in/on
dash, hooked up to either the oil pressure sender (high minimums suggested)
the cooling fan indicator (which can be pressure or idler-position fed) or
temp switches. Or to all three of them! - Seth
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challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and
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Message: 9
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:14:01 -0400
From: <tony.underwood at cox.net>
Subject: Re: <VV> Exercise those secondaries...
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Message-ID: <20080929161401.0G6O9.57584.imail at eastrmwml44>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
At 01:10 AM 9/29/2008, you wrote:
>OK, this might create a tad of controversy...
>A 140 will "walk" your turbo - up to about 60 mph.
...maybe a *stock* turbo. I never had that sort of problem with my Spyder.
Message: 10
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:20:52 -0400
From: "airvair at earthlink.net" <airvair at earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: <VV> Reasons for a buzzer.
To: "Sethracer at aol.com" <Sethracer at aol.com>,
virtualvairs at corvair.org
Message-ID: <380-220089129202052875 at earthlink.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
On Fieros with the (V-6) aux guage package above the radio, they included
an idiot light with the oil pressure guage. A smart idea that I bet your
buddy wished the Bimmer folks would have seen.
> [Original Message]
> Subject: <VV> Reasons for a buzzer.
> In a message dated 9/29/2008 12:23:18 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> airvair at earthlink.net writes:
> An interesting trivia item to everyone on this subject, though not
> applicable to Dave's car. As far as I know, non-turbo Corsa's
have a
> buzzer installed, though the wires were there.
> -Mark
> I agree, Mark - Of all of the 140 Corsas I have owned, none came with a
> buzzer. I installed it on a few of them. Here is an additional reason for
> buzzer - and for maintaining your "Idiot" lights. A friend
bought a
nice, new
> 1974 BMW 2002 (back in 1974). He ordered it with an optional VDO gage
> Three beautiful gages in the middle of the dash. The gage pack replaced
> idiot lights, at least for the oil pressure. His wife was driving it once
> an oil cooler line came off. She was not watching the gage, no warning
> light, and cooked the inside of the motor. That is in street driving
where you
> should have plenty of time to watch the gages. Most racing Corvairs I
> these-days, have a huge light (A trailer taillight works well) mounted
in/on the
> dash, hooked up to either the oil pressure sender (high minimums
> the cooling fan indicator (which can be pressure or idler-position fed)
or head
> temp switches. Or to all three of them! - Seth
Message: 11
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:26:52 -0400
From: <tony.underwood at cox.net>
Subject: Re: <VV> Exercise those secondaries...
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Message-ID: <20080929162652.X606R.57796.imail at eastrmwml44>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
At 01:10 AM 9/29/2008, you wrote:
>OK, this might create a tad of controversy...
>A 140 will "walk" your turbo - up to about 60 mph.
...maybe a *stock* turbo. I never had that sort of problem with my Spyder.
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