<VV> Leaky float repair

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Mon Sep 8 07:45:47 EDT 2008

I'll add that heating the float after making the hole will help remove 
any liquid. But use only heating you feel safe with around a small 
amount of gasoline! ggg

A 1/16" hole will solder easily. An 1/8" can be done, but unless 
experienced with solder, may add too much weight.

Frank DuVal

PatioMatt at aol.com wrote:

>In a message dated 9/7/2008 7:28:56 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
>dougmackintosh at yahoo.com writes:
>I thought I had read recently how to get the liquid out and then seal  these 
>leaks, but I've looked everywhere I could think of and can't find it.  Does 
>anyone have a technique, or know where it has already been  documented?  
>Smallest drill bit you have..at the leakage point  too..
>Drain... then lightly solder.  do not add weight!
>Matt  Nall
>All Vairs!
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