<VV> dial-up, was: e-Communique

John Kepler jekepler at amplex.net
Mon May 5 10:37:01 EDT 2008

So my advice to you (and all the others so inclined) is to shut up about
it, or be willing to fork over the $$$ so that we technological
neanderthals can get high-speed. In short, pay up or shut up, thank you
very much.

-Mark (still stuck with dial-up, too)

Well...at least you admitted you're a "technological Neanderthal" this time
around.  As for the rest, and you've complained about it ad nauseum prior to
this...all that's left is:  "It sucks to be you!".

John....who lives out in the sticks and STILL managed to find an affordable
high-speed internet connection....BECAUSE I WANTED IT!

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