<VV> broken park and rough running

Keith Hammett keith.hammett at stainlessfab.com
Thu Jun 26 09:08:15 EDT 2008

Last night marked the farthest run for the 110 hp PG rampside yet.  Took
the girls to swim class and pulled into a spot went to "put it in park"
and got a snap and the handle moved farther than normal.  Quick check
under the dash revealed a broken front brake cable.  I guess after 46
years it decided enough was enough.  No big deal will order a new one
today, and then all the brake cables will be new.


The trip to take the girls to swim lessons was about 20 minutes, one
hour there.  Then off to Vacation Bible School, another 20 minute run at
60+ mph, dropped off one and then ran 2 blocks to get a bite to eat.  As
I turned into the lot the rampside started running rough, and white
smoke was noticed out the road draft tube.  Ate, and then ran 4 blocks
with the youngest to the park, still rough running.  Had an hour to kill
at the park before heading back to pick up the other at VBS.  This must
have been a magical hour as the rampside ran fine after setting a bit.
What should I look for?  Plan to pull spark plugs and run compression
check (not expecting to find anything).  The 110 is my first rebuild
with less than 3000 miles on it.  It ran strong on the way home.  Carbs
rebuilt by Grant.


For those wondering we made it back home without any more adventures.


Keith Hammett

'62 Rampside PG 110 HP

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