<VV> short shifter nonsense? was: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 41, Issue 7

mike hicks mhicks130 at cox.net
Wed Jun 4 07:49:04 EDT 2008

Craig Nicol did a survey that he turned into a Communique article on 
short shifters.  Essentially he found no conclusive evidence to show 
that Corsas had shorter throw than anyone else. 

For some reason, people REALLY want to believe Corsas had  a short 
shifter. There's really no evidence to support that.  You're going to 
have to face the fact that your precious Corsas, despite all the hype, 
are really just a trim level change with an awesome dash and the 
possibility of getting a turbo engine.  Performance wise, the difference 
between a 140, 4 speed 500 and 140, 4 speed Corsa is nadda.  Except for 
the silver cove effect of course.

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