<VV> Steering Column Question, 66

PatioMatt at aol.com PatioMatt at aol.com
Wed Jun 4 02:03:50 EDT 2008

In a message dated 6/3/2008 9:48:05 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
bgilbert at redshift.bc.ca writes:
I have a question about the location of the split ring at the top of  the
steering column. I thought when I took the signalling mechanism apart  that
it was on top of the bearing that sits inside the signalling switch.  But now
I can't get the bearing down the shaft far enough to see the groove  that the
ring sits  in.


On  TOP!!  put the nut on the shaft and pull the shaft UP!  

Matt  Nall
All Vairs!
_http://members.aol.com/patiomatt_ (http://members.aol.com/patiomatt) 
somewhere  between Sea Mountain and Coos Bay.  OR.

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