<VV> Mainstreaming Corvairs at car shows

Dave Thompson dave.thompson at verizon.net
Sat Apr 19 02:35:04 EDT 2008

I went to the Garden Grove Main Street Car Show (Southern California) for
the third time tonight. I still got many good comments from people. An
interesting thing happened. I was standing about 10 yards away from my car
when the judging team walked by. They spent about five minutes looking at
the "T" bucket next to me; Dirty engine, torn seat and primer on the body
with a great big blower. They put lots of notes on their clipboard. Then
they walked over to my convertible Spyder, looked at the open trunk, shook
their heads and moved on to the Nova on my other side. They didn't even look
at the interior or engine! I didn't say anything. Mine isn't a Concourse car
but it IS kind of nice. Oh well, I guess that since the engine is in the
"wrong place" and isn't a water pumper, in their minds it isn't worth
looking at. That's OK with me. I didn't go to get a trophy anyway (it would
be nice though). I guess I'll just have to go to some other shows. I still
plan to go to the GG show again next week even if the judges don't like it.
I DID however get invited to two other shows by some passer byes. One guy
even got my phone number and asked if I knew of any other Corvairs. It just
so happens that the show he was talking about is one that we at Vintage
Corsa are going to in force (Cal State Fullerton, 4/27). I told him that I
think I could find one or two to bring. <Grin> 


Dave Thompson

63 convertible Spyder

Westminster, CA



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