<VV> RE: Head milling

Mark Corbin airvair at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 13 11:56:56 EDT 2007

Oh, it's a nice engine otherwise. But it also has a manual trans, so
stopping it in gear is a PITA for me. (Me and manual transmissions don't
get along very well.) So I end up having to run premium gas. Oh well......


> [Original Message]
> From: craig nicol <nicolcs at aol.com>
> To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>; <airvair at earthlink.net>
> Date: 9/13/2007 9:41:00 AM
> Subject: RE: Head milling
> Mark said: That was the whole point in what I had done. BOTH the heads and
> pistons were milled accordingly by Warren, so that the compression would
> remain the same. So the only thing left is to blame today's lousy gas for
> the dieseling.
> Craig sez: It sounds like all the right things were done. Regular fuel is
> more volatile than premium and residual head (perhaps the edge of the head
> gasket, if it's steel, or the edge of a spark plug thread remains hot
> after the ignition is off to set off the fuel and cause dieseling. 
> or not won't change that and this is nothing new. This all seemed to start
> back in the 70's when engines began to be recalibrated for emissions.
> Dieseling is not a regular Corvair issue since the motors predate those
> changes.  If you are experiencing run-on, I would speculate that there's a
> minor miscalibration in your engine's timing or idle setting or possibly
> spots in the combustion chamber.  Again, milling or not wouldn't affect
> run-on AFIK.  Other than the dieseling, it sounds like a pretty nice
> Craig

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