<VV> 140 pinging

larry at forman.net larry at forman.net
Thu May 10 16:55:39 EDT 2007

Hi Chris,
A couple of more ideas:
1. It was suggested to me off-line to remove the plug the vacuum 
advance line to check for pinging before and after.  That might 
indicate the VA is coming on too fast.
2. It was also suggested here that heat is your enemy.  I once 
installed a new engine and the engine started overheating and pinging 
when run for several miles when the weather was hot.  It was only then 
I noticed a HUGE oversight.  The shrouding was for a Late smog engine 
and with that equipment gone there was a large hole right around the 
oil cooler.  So HOT engine air was allowed to flow up and onto the top 
of the shroud.  It would then be sucked into the engine by the fan and 
heat the engine more.  Just plugging the large air leaks in the shrouds 
helped cure this.

Note: later the engine exhibited vapor lock on the start of a trip to 
Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon in the summer.  Removal of the lower 
shrouds allowed it to get to Las Vegas where an electric fuel pump was 
the ultimate solution.


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