<VV> removal tool - second try

Geoffrey A Johnson geoffj at unm.edu
Wed Jul 18 22:40:49 EDT 2007

Two other methods that have worked.    Take a cheap socket the right 
size, grind the front sides  leaving two prongs sticking up to engage the 
channels- works perfect.  Other, use a GOOD kitchen fork, preferably the 
ones used for 
special occasions (don't tell the wife/girlfriend/roomate) .   Bend the 
two inner spines away, then bend the two 
outer in to the right shape to engage the nut!

On Wed, 18 Jul 2007 Sethracer at aol.com wrote:

> the bezel, but the needle nose would also do the trick. With a little bit of
> modification, I should be able to take a cheap pair of crappy small needlenose
> pliers and make them into a tool to remove the round nut underneath.  - Seth

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