<VV> Inspections and emission systems. Some Corvair!
Chris C, Warwick RI
ricorvair at cox.net
Fri Jan 12 15:57:32 EST 2007
The emissions are fair enough in RI. Even though I have a caddy in cold
storage for 2 years till it gets old enough to get an exemption. What I do
not like is that the inspections are now every 2 years.
Inspections should be to protect the rest of us from the
ignorant/cheap/lazy people who will let the safety issues go. A marginal
brake part can narrowly pass can now be used for 2 years until the person
is forced to get it fixed. At least a few years back the emissions was
every 2 years and safety was every year.
At 09:36 AM 1/12/2007, you wrote:
>In a message dated 1/12/2007 9:08:43 AM Pacific Standard Time,
>GBrandes at loebermotors.com writes:
>Hi Bill,
>I have to disagree with you about the emission stuff just to make a
>profit for dealers and manufactures, they are mandated by state and
>federal government.
>For those of us who own OBDII cars, a scan tool can make it much easier to
>avoid the big dealer costs. All cars since 1996 have the port. Tools start
>about $30 - and up, way up if you want tons of features. I popped a code
>(slang for turning on the check engine light) on my 1996 Camaro at about
>miles. The car still ran fine. I rented a code reader (for free) from a
>AutoZone. It identified the problem as a failed Oxygen Sensor ahead of the
>converter. I reset the Check engine light and returned the code reader.
>nthe next
>morning the light came back on. Okay - I pulled the spare Oxygen sensor off
>a tailpipe I had saved after parting out another Camaro, slid under and
>replaced the failed unit. Went back and re-rented the code reader to
>reset the
>light again and returned the tester unit. Cost so far "Zero" - But had I not
>parted out that other car, I would have had to buy a Oxygen sensor -say
>$70 or
>so. And the car has worked fine since, passed a bi-annual smog test, with no
>issues. Now, I am not saying that the Corvair should somehow have the On
>Diagnostic sensors added. The simplicity of the Corvair is certainly one of
>it's attractive features. But the new systems, mandated by government
>regulations have certainly made it easier to find what goes wrong on
>newer cars. The
>argument could be made that the sensor that failed on the Camaro didn't
>matter to the running or emissions of the car. It actually could have
>the usability if the computer didn't have a correct feedback on the fuel
>injection effectiveness. But think of how many time we have chased down
>problems on our Corvairs, replacing part after part to try and subdue the
>problem. The systems in the new cars are much better at isolating the
>so they can be addressed. The Corvair I am building right now will have a
>wide-band oxygen sensors "on-board", with additional sensors and readings
>addressing any response or performance issues. According to the SEMA
>newsletter, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) is examining the
>possibility of
>testing older cars again, cars which have been out of the California smog
>testing system for years. Some day we may all be fitting additional
>systems or putting our cars in museums. - Seth Emerson
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