<VV> Re: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 24, Issue 54

John Kepler jekepler at amplex.net
Tue Jan 9 07:58:18 EST 2007

The reason these are still in the box and not on the car is because I CANNOT
get the old lines off. That will present a major problem for me as I try to
finish up this project.

Lines so corroded that they A).  Crack the brake cylinder and B).  Can't be
easily disconnected;  are in DESPERATE need of replacement anyway, and
represent an impending failure that simply MUST be addressed.  Bite the
bullet and do the job right, rather than creating a "Charlie-Foxtrot" by
"drilling holes".  Drop the fuel tank, rip out the old lines from the
junction block to the wheels, and replace the front lines!  Anything less is
simply exposing you to the worst aspects of Murphy's Law.....since from the
way you apparently sit, a major brake failure is simply a matter of time,
fix it right, fix it NOW, rather than later.  Just my 2 cents...YMMV!


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