<VV> Dream cruise

Mike Jacobi mvjacobi at comcast.net
Sun Aug 19 23:46:36 EDT 2007


Well, I just had to do it.   I drove the 63 Monza vert, top down and all
shined up, to the 13th annual Woodward Dream Cruise, the biggest one day car
event in the world.

Over a million people..some estimated 6,000 cars.  Even an air cooler or

And as usual, the vair got great crowd response...and not too many dumb
"unsafe at any speed" comments

Actually I joined with hundreds of car enthusiasts the whole week before
Saturday's cruise, up and down Woodward...what a great bunch of people
car-folk are.

Anyhow, with all that driving...and slow slow heavy traffic driving, the
Monza just purred along..while I saw several water-pumpers off to the side
with boiling-over woes.

Man I love that quirky little car!

Mike in Michigan

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