<VV> Donations

Smitty Smith vairologist at verizon.net
Fri Aug 10 16:17:39 EDT 2007

Smitty Says:  Somewhere in outerspace there are some comments from Sarah concerning donations to CORSA/ CPF.  When I finally got a break from my labors I couldn't find them.  I believe the gist of it was that donations should be made to CORSA general fund first and CPF after.  Let me know if I am wrong Bob.  Anyway it should be fairly obvious that donations to CORSA to keep it alive may be well intentioned and greatfully received but there is nothing solid or real about where the money goes or what it does.  This is the preception as I see it.  Whereas when a contribution is made to CPF people can envision the money going to purchase artifacts and maintain exhibits that will live on to to show the Corvair history to people in the future.  Of course without CORSA , CPF has no future.  So what does the average donator do?  Send money to disappear into the maw of the general fund or buy something that can be touched and looked at in his "pie in the sky" dream of a big building
 full of shiny displays?
  To correct this situation we need education.  We need more and better articles on what is accomplished with the general fund money.  People in the "know" can do that.  Don't expect it to come from the guy going to his local club meeting and displaying his car at the cruise in on Saturday night.  Publishing a dry list of income and outgo isn't going to get it.

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