<VV> Electronic CC (no Corvair)

mhicks130 at cox.net mhicks130 at cox.net
Wed Apr 18 21:16:23 EDT 2007

> ********************************************
> , but the Internet is no longer "the future," it is now "the 
> present" and cannot be ignored.
>   ------------------------------------------
>   Smitty says :  According to your reasoning Charles we should just trash all these old Corvairs because nothing of "yesterday" has any value.  As long as I live, reading the printed page (on paper) wil be one of my greatest pleasures and I will keep on driving Corvairs.
> ********************************************

Saying "the internet is the present" is NOT the same as saying "nothing of yesterday has any value".   Accepting change is not the same as rejecting the past.  Denying change is no way to go through life young man.  Modern cars and old classics can get along together.  Modern communication methods and old ones can co-exist also. 

I think what he was trying to say is that like it or not, we will be going to more and more online content.  I like reading but It doesn't HAVE to be printed on a dead tree for me to enjoy it.  I love reading online content with embedded hot-links to other pages with more information on a word of subject.  Instead of having to go down to the library and look up a term in the card catalog and go find some books and dig thru the books looking for what I'm interested in.  I can't currently take my computer to the can or to bed with me so I still like the printed word but the day is coming when I can just as easily take my electronic writings with me anywhere and even be wirelessly connected to the intertubes.  I for one look forward to that day!!!  

Live long and prosper Earthlings.    

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