highspeed internet bill, was: <VV> April communiqué

airvair airvair at richnet.net
Mon Apr 16 14:24:41 EDT 2007

Like I said, if you're going to pay for it, I'd jump on it in a
heartbeat. Until your offer comes thru, don't tell me how to spend my
hard-earned money.

You have no idea what my situation is. Quit trying to compare something
with which you have no idea of with your own.


John Kepler wrote:
> I'm going to answer all you guys at once.
> To those who want me to upgrade to high-speed, I'd do it in a heartbeat
> - IF YOU PAY THE BILL!!! What a stupid comment, spending other people's
> hard-earned money. Didn't you read my comments about it being
> unaffordable around here? WAKE UP!!! And spend your own d@$^% money, not
> mine.
> I'm sure your comment is identical to the one made by a guy 130 years ago
> when he had to trade in his self-maintained privy for the pipe to the
> municipal sewer system and pay every month for privilege!
> Progress often requires us to change how we do things, and those changes
> usually aren't free.  If you've got dial-up, then at least 60% of the
> Internet is currently unavailable to you, and your software (especially your
> anti-virus software) is increasingly out-of-date because you don't have the
> ability to adequately maintain it without a high-speed connection.  With
> nothing pejorative intended, THAT is a situation that is only going in ONE
> direction....and it ain't yours!  So you go right ahead and get your boxers
> in a bunch at me (for all the good it'll do'ya).  The inescapable facts are,
> you'll either get an HS connection sooner rather than later.....or go buy a
> roll of stamps, because the one thing you simply WON'T be able to do is stay
> where you are!
> FWIW, I would welcome an on-line communiqué as both a better and cheaper
> medium to disseminate it.  If you and/or others choose to not keep
> up...that's your right and also YOUR problem!  Why should your problems be
> forced on me, and why should I then be compelled to subsidize an expensive
> solution to your problem?
> BTW, I live on a farm out in the country, and _I_ found a way to get a
> high-speed connection without spending an arm and a leg......my lappy can
> get a Verizon HS Wireless connection in East Logjam, West Virginny and the
> piney-woods of the Yoopee, so you were saying?
> John

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