<VV> Re: CORVAIR POWERED kitcar chassis
Tony Underwood
tonyu at roava.net
Tue Apr 10 15:27:36 EDT 2007
At 08:06 AM 4/10/2007, Zane Brock wrote:
>Call Doug, use my name and beg for one of his old dune buggies in that
>style. He has a hard time parting with them. Doug no longer drives but has a
>bunch of old buggies. 40 yrs in the business and honest as the day is long.
Speaking of buggy chassis questions:
I have a buggy/kitcar chassis that mounts Corvair suspension
components. Made mostly of steel tubing, heavy stuff. No VW or
anything else, specifically designed to mount late model 'Vair
suspension hardware. I asked before, got some suggestions on
where to go looking for info as to who made this thing but didn't
have much luck... saw a lot of VW chassis types but almost nothing
dedicated to 'Vair hardware, and nothing like this thing. Best
info I got was that it may have come from a Chicago
source... possibly sold through JC Whitney back when, or maybe when
they were Warshawsky or whatever.
Got it from another VV list member 100 miles north of me... who
also has limited info on who made it.
I have photos if anyone thinks they can ID the thing and suggest what
sort of body may have been intended to mount on it. This one was
evidently never finished, has no floors or brake lines or throttle
linkage or shifter etc.
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