<VV> Strange (?) double failure

Brent Covey brentcovey at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 8 01:15:47 EDT 2006

Hi Ned
> ...the threads
> in  the nut were the one's that stripped out. There was no sign of the
> key.  Replaced the nut and cotter key and all is well.

> Anyhow, what could cause the failure of these two cotter keys?

The cotter keys arent the part that failed, Ned- if everythings working
right, they have no load at all, and frankly arent needed at all- they're
just insurance against the nuts falling off if they have not been installed
correctly or they fail. In your case the cotter keys did thier job.

The problem you are experiencing is likely the nuts were not adequately
tight in the first place and worked loose as you drove the car. Is there for
example any chance when you assembled the front end that you torqued the
nuts up properly, then backed off slightly to be able to fit the cotter keys

There is some possibiity the nuts holding the stud were substandard and
fatigued but this is much less likely and unlikely to occur on more than one

Hope that helps,
Brent Covey
Vancouver BC

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