<VV> Re: Re: [VV-talk] Explaining to your kids
Chris C, Warwick RI
ricorvair at cox.net
Fri Jun 2 13:44:21 EDT 2006
The plate ITRUST
Does it mean it rust, or I Trust? Or is it an elaborate political statement.
Sometimes I feel like we are the only parents that believe it is our
responsibility to monitor our children. Give me any series of letters I am
sure we can stay they are an acronym for something questionable.
Its easy to explain, that some people are not nice and say bad or do
things. The bubble just does not exist.
At 07:22 AM 6/2/2006, Robert Hill wrote:
>Maybe I am the only one but I am offended when I have to explain something
>like that to my kids. While I would not formally complain to the state, I
>think that some things should not be allowed on a license plate - the F
>NADER being one of them. Funny how people only want to freedom to do what
>they want irregardless of how others are affected by them!!!
>From: "mopar at jbcs2.net" <mopar at jbcs2.net>
>Date: 2006/06/02 Fri AM 10:06:37 EDT
>To: vv-talk at corvair.org
>Subject: Re: [VV-talk] Explaining to your kids
>People who worry about "explaining anything to their kids" are ill equipped
>to deal with the realities of life.................
>Their kids will learn what they need to know elsewhere...............
>Like most of us did..............
>I remember seeing the "F" word written on the back of a truck and asking my
>mother what that word meant. I was backhanded so hard my head almost spun,
>and she almost wrecked the car. I learned elsewhere.............
>Gary Swiatowy
>Original Message:
>From: airvair airvair at richnet.net
>Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 08:02:20 -0400
>To: mioanes at woh.rr.com, vv-talk at corvair.org
>Subject: Re: [VV-talk] Explaining to your kids
>What's so wrong with that? My brother and sister-in-law have that
>sticker on their vehicles, and maybe (for all I know) so do their
>daughter and her husband. After all, we humans are ALL different. Not
>even identical twins are exactly alike. Obviously God loves diversity.
>Were we all the same, I'm sure we'd have bored Him to tears.
>And as far as "same-sex couples holding hands" goes, what's good for the
>goose is good for the gander. If you don't want to see that, or same-sex
>couples kissing, then consider keeping such public behaviour between
>opposite-sex couples to that same standard. Don't be hypocritical by
>having a double standard.
>Mike Ioanes wrote:
> >
> > How
> > about same-sex couples holding hands? "Celebrate Diversity"
> > Maybe he'd rather not explain THAT either?
> > Mike Ioanes
> >
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