<VV> RE: rampside for sale ..but where???

TimogensTurbo at aol.com TimogensTurbo at aol.com
Thu Aug 31 14:29:41 EDT 2006

-- Message Original --
De: TimogensTurbo at aol.com
À: aitram at wanadoo.ma
Envoyé le: 26-08-2006 02:30:04
Sujet: RE:  rampside for Sale

Where are you located?  It appears overseas!  from the US...gg

Please Let Virtual Vairs know!
I & the Rampside are in east Pasadena, California, about 30 miles northeast 
of downtown Los Angeles, California. Where are you? Do you have a telephone 
   Thank you 

I know you need to speak 3 languages in Lalaland..but this is fishy!!  gggg  
How FAR EAST  in pasadena???


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