<VV> Convention Information + Freedom

mhicks130 at cox.net mhicks130 at cox.net
Wed Aug 2 15:23:02 EDT 2006

Very inflammatory???  Are you on the same VV I am?  I haven't read any very inflammatory posts here.  Have our skins becomes so thin that ANY non-praising post is considered very inflammatory?  The only even close to being inflammatory remarks I've read were over on the forum on Corvair Center.  Posting your opinion of the problems at the convention is not in and of itself inflammatory in my opinion.  I think the 4 Clubs deserve our thanks for their efforts but there were problems and I don't think it's bad to talk about them.  It might not do any good either I suppose.  In any case I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to do another convention.  It's a thankless job.


>When you get the type of very inflamitory remarks that
> have been posted in this public arena, it's best to have a single, tempered,
> point of contact for responses, otherwise you could be seeing the biggest
> flame war in the history of VV, and it would likely result in the loss of a
> lot of club members.
> George Jones
> Tidewater Corvair Club
> Central Virginia Corvair Club
> '65 Monza Crown V8 Convertible
> '66 Monza Coupe (Custom)
> ------------------------------

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