<VV> paint stripper warning
Chris C, Warwick RI
ricorvair at cox.net
Mon Nov 7 12:18:21 EST 2005
Yea. I could have done it.
At 04:54 AM 11/7/2005, you wrote:
>I'm in the doghouse bigtime now. I've ruined our nice new kitchen sink.
>I just bought some Cadillac wheel discs off E-bay, and the clear coat was
>crazed. So I preceeded to remove it with paint stripper. Has worked well
>before on clear coated cast wheels , so I thought I'd give it a try, but
>it's getting cool here in Maryland, so, knowing that paint stripper works
>better warmer, I took everything into the kitchen, and do the deed in the
>Bad idea.
>The sink is a bone-color Corian sink. Applying the stripper to the discs
>with an acid brush worked well,so I allowed any dripage to fall into the
>sink. Hey, it's water solulable. And rinsed the discs with water and an
>old toothbrush. The discs were beautiful.
>But after I rinsed out the sink and allowed it to dry, there were these
>white blotches in the bottom of the sink that looked just like white paint
>droppings. Carol was pissed! To say the least.
>I've heard you can wet sand Corian to remove spotting or burns, but this
>didn't work. At all.
>Now I'm banished to the garage. Things could be worse. :)
>Harry Yarnell
>Perryman Garage and Orphanage
>hyarnell1 at earthlink.net
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