<VV> Corvair Fan

Crawford Rose crawfordrose at msn.com
Sun Jul 10 17:39:15 EDT 2005

Forget mine, consider GM's clever reverse logic. When it couldn't adapt the car to changing emissions conditions in California, it deleted the inadequate Air Conditioning, turbo charger and 140 heads. After protest, it gave back 140 heads but detuned cam timing. Consider all those extremely costly redesigns to the product line necessitated by the limitations of the cooling system and emissions regulations. There was a redesign of the cooling system but it never made production. Despite the incentive to implement its redesign of the cooling system in 1966 (profit), the company did not put any redesign the cooling system into production to enable basic air conditioning to accompany emissions equipment. Why do we suppose GM made that choice?

Also, elimination of the 1960 choke mechanism and the direct air heater accommodated the creation of station wagons and expansion of the vehicle line for trucks/vans.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: JVHRoberts at aol.com<mailto:JVHRoberts at aol.com> 
  To: crawfordrose at msn.com<mailto:crawfordrose at msn.com> ; virtualvairs at corvair.org<mailto:virtualvairs at corvair.org> 
  Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 3:47 PM
  Subject: Re: <VV> Corvair Fan

  Given that ALL turbo Corvairs overheat if you keep your foot into it long enough, AC Corvairs seem to struggle in hot weather, and 140 HP Corvairs run better cold than hot, I'd say it's inadequate, and Chevy opted for a one size fits all solution that only works on the lowest HP models. The more powerful engines simply need better cooling than Chevy gave them. And regardless of your reverse logic, the market demand for air conditioning and more power was clearly there. No need for water cooling, just a better fan. 
  Parts cost over the counter will ALWAYS be a LOT higher than the manufacturing costs. By a BUNCH. The revision to the 1961 cooling system was done to accomodate the Direct Air heater, a cost savings over the gasoline fired unit. 
  So, why is the stock cooling system marginal on the high output and AC engines? Simple, Chevy never designed the right cooling system parts for these engines. 

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