<VV> Replacement radio speaker options - late model

Roger Gault r.gault at sbcglobal.net
Sat Apr 30 18:12:56 EDT 2005

One more thought.
I would NOT put a resistor in series with a 4 ohm speaker.  Besides eating
an average of 60% of your output power,  and making the system pretty quiet,
it will make the system non-linear, since the impedance of the speaker
varies with frequency.  These kind of things are very offensive to us
engineer types.  Whether it makes any difference to someone who's been
listening to the stock "speaker" for all these years is a different
question.  ;-)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Les" <corvair at mts.net>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>; <corvairs at cybrus.net>
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 1:02 PM
Subject: <VV> Replacement radio speaker options - late model

> Hi,
> Original speaker on my '65 (AM pushbutton) is dead. Plenty of 4 ohm 6x9s
> available; original speaker was 10 ohm. Can I use a 4 ohm 6x9, or do I
> need to rig a pair of 5" or so speakers in series to get close to 10
> ohms? How about a 6 ohm resistor in series with the 4 ohm speaker (I
> know that's resistance and not impedance)?  I tried a 4 ohm speaker here
> and the output transistor gets kinda warm...
> Les
> corvair at mts.net
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