<VV> Original King Midget Brochure (No Corvair)
Ken Wildman
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 17:39:07 -0400
At 02:19 PM 10/21/2004, Bill Elliott wrote:
>Posting this just for the general historical automotive interest.
>A complete car for $250 (assuming you follow their recommendations and buy
>the big 6hp engine for "general highway service"). Even in today's dollars
>this isn't
>even a decent down payment... or even a decent ATV! Of course "some
>assembly required".
>Corvair interest: These were the types of cars that were outlawed once the
>Federal government began regulating cars in 1968 following Nader's attacks
>on the
>industry. This class of inexpensive, lightweight cars remained in
>production around the world for years afterwards... and are still
>represented by Japan's Ka class
>of sub-600cc "city cars".
>Bill Elliott
>Urbana, MD
Just downloaded the brochure. That one is the early model,
single-seater. My friends's KMs are later model two-seaters. Much nicer
looking. :)