<VV> starter issues
Joel McGregor
Tue, 12 Oct 2004 1:46:41 +0000
Sounds like the starter needs bushings. When the bushings wear out the starter won't have any power. Any starter shop can replace them for you. It is possible that the windings are bad but they can test that for you. If the ignition switch or wire has high resistance then it can cause the starter to not work since the voltage at the start terminal is too low for the solenoid to work.
> From: Rodney Sampson <rsampson@swbell.net>
> Date: 2004/10/11 Mon PM 09:05:52 GMT
> To: virtualvairs@corvair.org
> CC: emarschn@gmail.com
> Subject: <VV> starter issues
> Eric:
> When it doesn't start does it spin (not engage) ?
> I've recently experienced an issue with my ignition switch , where
> it will occasionally start perfectly and others, just spins the starter...
> Thanks
> Rodney Sampson
> Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 10:33:12 -0600
> From: Eric Marschner <emarschn@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: Eric Marschner <emarschn@gmail.com>
> To: virtualvairs <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
> Subject: <VV> starter issues
> I have a starter that doesn't seem to work while mounted in the car.
> It works fine outside of the car, but under load it is slow and will
> sometimes turn the engine, but usually it doesn't. That said, I would
> like to try another starter... but I am not finding any luck at the
> local auto parts stores.
> I seem to remember that other vehicles use the same starter as the
> corvair, with a swap of the nose. Is this true? Which vehicles?
> Thanks,
> Eric
> http://www.corvairproject.com
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