<VV> Bloody & Confused

Joel McGregor joelsplace@earthling.net
Mon, 11 Oct 2004 4:03:10 +0000

The coil should have battery voltage from the positive terminal to ground with the key on and engine not running.  It will show less voltage under load because of the resistor wire.  The box you talked about is the voltage regulator.  Don't worry about it unless the battery won't stay charged.  There is a condenser in the distributor connected to the points.  It looks like you found your problem with 2.2V to the coil. If it doesn't start with the jumper wire to the battery then you probably have a problem with the points.  On the fuel problem - I've found that Corvairs that sit a long time need to fire up and run to get fuel flowing even with no clogs and a good pump.  I usually use a squirt bottle to fill the carbs through the vent holes in the top.  You could easily have a clogged system or a bad fuel pump though.  In my experience the most common fuel supply problems are 1)Rotton rubber lines at the tank and just forward of the engine compartment  2)Bad fuel pump  3)Clogg!
 ed pickup in the tank   Joel