<VV> Rods (early failure)

UltraMonzaWest@aol.com UltraMonzaWest@aol.com
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:45:22 EST

Although I've never "rebuilt" ANY  engine...I've assembled dozens.....

V W's  have full floating wristpins [easy to remove /install pistions]. and 
are assembled this way.....

The Crank / rods are assembled 1st!....then a "Fall test" is conducted...IE;

Crank horizontal / level      each rod is let go from the 11  and 1 o'clock 
positions and watched as it falls....

Do they ALL  fall easily.....do they overshoot the BOTTOM  the same amount / 
and fall back to BOTTOM   THE SAME???

Very easy to spot friction!

Pistons go thru the block cyl. holes easily..... rings install 
easily....cylinders slide on easily.....works for me!
