<VV> Rods (early failure)
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:21:17 EST
Steven, here are some possible causes of your rod bearing failure. Improper
break-in isn't among them, BTW.
#1 Improper matching or machining of rod or crank, wrong bearings)
#2 Lack of initial lubrication (assy lube and pre-start oil circulation)
#3 Improper assembly (dirt under bearing shell, cocked bearing cap, reversed
shell (blocks oil flow),low torque)
#4 Contaminated oil (dirt/debris in engine, material from other part failure)
You asked how to check the bearing fit. Here's how. You can purchase
"Plastigage" rod, it's a thick plastic thread that gets "squished" when things are
test assembled and you measure the width of the squished material to determine
the clearance. You assemble the bearing with a piece of this stuff between
the bearing shell and the crank. It's kinda tricky, keeping it in place while
you are assembling things and insuring that it's squished by the final gap and
not by thing like rod twisting or dragging the piston down. Once squished and
disassembled, the width of the squished plastigage material (ruler included
with kit) indicates the clearance and taper of the assembly.
Craig Nicol