<VV> 65 vs. 66-up headlight bucket differences - follow-up
Tue, 25 May 2004 17:51:19 -0400
The '66-up headlight arrangement was IMHO the better of the two.
Obviously the factory thought so as well. I've used a '65 backing plate
on a '66 by removing the bezel mounting brackets on the backing plate
and notching it at the bottom to clear the '66's lower bracket. I think
it's better to modify the backing plate than the headlight bucket.
Mike Stillwell wrote:
> Sorry for the confusion Bob.
> The '65 headlight backing plates, or sub body if you
> prefer, have brackets for attaching the bezel/door to
> the plate/sub-body, and no cut out for the arm on the
> lower portion of the later bucket, that attaches the
> bezel/door on the later cars.
> You could use a '65 on a '66 and later car if you
> removed the bezel/door mounting points from the later
> bucket, but I don't think you can use the '66 and
> later on a '65 bucket. At least not easily.
> Sound good?
> Mike
> YS-117
> --- Robert Marlow <nortechcorp@optonline.net> wrote:
> > Okay, I guess I need to be somewhat more specific,
> > because the replies so
> > far appear to focus on the "bucket," which I am
> > taking to be the
> > bucket-shaped housing that is affixed to the body,
> > protruding into the
> > trunk. In this bucket the headlight assembly and
> > the horn are mounted.
> >
> > There are, in essence, three components: The
> > bucket, as above; the
> > "sub-body" (as GM calls it) which is the
> > black-painted assembly to which
> > the bulbs and adjusters are attached, and the "door"
> > (as GM calls it) which
> > is the outer trim or bezel.
> >
> > My question concerns the sub-body, the black-painted
> > assembly to which the
> > bulbs and adjusters are attached. What are the
> > differences between the '65
> > and the '66-up?
> >
> > --Bob
> >
> > Robert W. Marlow