<VV> Argentine Corvair Club
Rick & Janet Norris
Wed, 19 May 2004 18:21:50 -0400
I sure am glad you translated that. I learned all my Spanish from Speedy
Gonzales and French from Pepe LePew!
> At long last I have received a reply to my inquiry directed toward the
> proposed Argentine Corvair Club. Below is the reply message I received
> followed by
> my translation.
> Bill Stanley
> <Hola Amigo , en primer lugar gracias por tu interis !
> Te cuento que estoy cambiando el website del corvair , por eso
> todavia no hay nada de informacisn .
> Tengo el auto desde 1998 y conozco a mas de 10 dueqos, del mismo automsvil
> diferentes aqos.Aquino hay casi modelos del corvair , me dijeron que solo
> quedan 20 en el pams y no se los ve por casi ningzn lado .
> En junio de este este aqo se organiza una mega exposicisn de autos
> tunning y tenia ganas de presentarlo , pero no creo que llegue, por los
> tiempos ,
> necesito hacerle un trabajo de pintura que me va llevar mas de dos meses.
> En cuanto tenga novedades , estere en contacto nuevamente .
> Gracias por tu interis !!!!
> Pablo
> Pablo N. Villaronga
> Analisis y Desarrollos de Sistemas
> Mobile: (011) 155-009-9945
> Buenos Aires, Argentina
> Email: Pablo.Villaronga@sky-tech.com.ar
> www.Sky-Tech.com.ar
> >
> Hello Friend, First of all, thanks for your interest.
> I tell you I'm changing the Corvair website, that's why still there's no
> information (on it).
> I've had the car since 1998 and I know of more than 10 owners of the same
> (kind) of car, different (model) years. Here there are hardly any Corvair
> models, they tell me that only 20 are still around in this country and you
> hardly
> ever see them anywhere.
> In June of this year a mega show of "tunning" (tuning?) cars is being
> organized and I had wanted to show it but I don't think it's gonna happen,
> need to
> do some paint work and that's gonna take me more than two months.
> Whenever I have news, I'll be in touch right away.
> Thanks for your interest!!!
> Pablo